Sharing delicious recipes from our kitchen

Tag: ck disco dust

Making Lollipops

Making Lollipops

With temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s, and bright blue skies, it is looking as though for the first time that I can ever remember, I might not have a white Christmas.  Now I would guess there are many folks that would welcome the thought 

Nutella Hazelnut Truffles

Nutella Hazelnut Truffles

Holidays are a dream come true for those of us with a sweet tooth. Suddenly there are candies, cookies, and cakes everywhere, and it is somehow alright to have some of everything…….after all it’s the holidays. Tempting morsels magically appear in the office break room, 

Candy Cane Cake

Candy Cane Cake

Magic is not only on the air this holiday season but also in this cake. Layers of peppermint swirls are an exciting surprise snuggled under a blanket of fluffy whipped white chocolate ganache frosting. As in a dream, candy canes dance across twinkling stars amidst the cloud