Sharing delicious recipes from our kitchen

Category: Informational

Cooking the Perfect Corned Beef Brisket

Cooking the Perfect Corned Beef Brisket

Like the buried pot of stolen gold in Finian’s Rainbow, briskets of corned beef seem to have mythically multiplied and have magically appeared in grocery stores everywhere. This otherwise barely stocked item is suddenly mounded in almost every end cap in meat departments, and there seems 

Looking Back at 2012

Looking Back at 2012

As we anticipate the arrival of the New Year, I find myself reflecting on the events and happenings of the one ending.  I recall the best days and the worst, the ups and downs, promises and regrets, and friends who have come and gone. I thought 

Toasting Time

Toasting Time

The tradition of toasting has been practiced by almost every culture from the beginning of recorded history.  Toasts are commonly expressions of love, friendship, health, honor, and wealth that are offered during holidays, or to commemorate special occasions.  The origin of the toast is unclear. 

Making Lollipops

Making Lollipops

With temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s, and bright blue skies, it is looking as though for the first time that I can ever remember, I might not have a white Christmas.  Now I would guess there are many folks that would welcome the thought 

A Plea to Fellow Foodies: Please Help the Victims of Sandy

A Plea to Fellow Foodies: Please Help the Victims of Sandy

This past few days we have witnessed what maybe the biggest storms of our lifetimes in the United States. The 800 mile wide Hurricane Sandy has impacted the lives of more than fifty million people, striking the East Coast in one of the densest populated 

September is Better Breakfast Month

September is Better Breakfast Month

Anytime of day, morning, noon, or night, breakfast is always a favorite meal. September is National Better Breakfast month and what a great thing to celebrate. So branch out, try something besides a slice of toast with your coffee this month and live large.